Saturday, April 29, 2006

No Switchgrass to Ethanol in Plan for Me

A recent article by Ed Wallace in Business Week this week downplays the benefits of ethanol in domestic gasoline, here in the US. Actually, he says that the ethanol fuel can cause the vehicle fuel economy to DECREASE by 25-40%, because the ethanol is less efficient.

My family had been considering growth of switchgrass, which can be used to manufacture ethanol. Given the article above, I believe we made a smart move NOT to grow switchgrass, as eventually the US is going to wake up to the detriment of ethanol, and any investment we would have made would have been lost.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd first warn you to be careful when you listen to someone promoting the idea that we have an infinite supply of oil. That being said, the author of the article makes a few good points.

Ethanol delivers only a little more energy than it takes to produce it, but the latest studies say it is a positive number. Ethanol could significantly reduce our dependence on oil, which could mean fewer wars and an eventual change in the global economy. The latest studies say that E-85 does reduce air pollution, even with the mileage penalty - EPA's web sites are consistent on that fact. But, the techniques normally used to blend the 10-25% mixes is often uncontrolled and releases significant emissions. Not mention the potential for spills - ethanol is not as hard on the environment as petroleum. This year Idaho pushed to get E-85 in the state, but fought mandating 10% in all gasoline for that reason. Ethanol does cause a 25% reduction in mileage. It currently sells for the same price as regular gas here, so you pay a premium to reduce emissions and our dependence on gasoline. An interesting idea is to subsidize its production - it puts money back into our rural economy through farmers and small distributors and takes money away from the organizations that have control of many politicians.

That's not to say that ethanol is the answer. While it puts our supply control back into our hands and might be a good alternative to petroleum for environmental and political reasons, it will never be cheap and there are still better alternatives. The countries approach to CAFE standards is abismal. There is no excuse for the poor mileage cars get today. Alternative energy sources are also critical to changing the imbalance of energy use in the country.

The number of facilities in the midwest producing ethanol in America is going to double or triple in the next few years based upon EPA air permit applications being received. This is a boom. A significant amount of capital has already been invested, and much more is being budgeted. This is going to happen.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethanol plants try to move into our neighborhoods...

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody is buzzing about Ethanol... it's the answer to all our problems! :)

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethanol executive addresses concerns:

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethanol is only a replacement for MTBE, which replaced Tetra ethyl lead in the 70's. The replacement of the lead lowered emisions and has virtually eliminated lead as an emitted pollutant today. The MTBE, which was once considered a god send is now on the list for it has potential health risks associated with it as well as increasing the pollution in non-attainment areas such as the Metro-Plex.
Personally I believe the long term effects of the Ethanol will create more problems than it solves, for anyone with any chemistry background knows that alcohol attract water and the long term effects will be water collecting in the gas tanks, which ultimately create performance and reliability issues.

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Farmers Growing Future Fuel Sources for America

Besides Ethanol that our farmers are producing with products like corn, grain sorghum, wheat, barley, or potatoes.

The next revolution will be Biodiesel, which is the name of a clean burning, renewable diesel fuel replacement made from vegetable oils or animal fats. The methyl ester of vegetable oil called Biodiesel. It is very similar to the petrochemical based diesel fuel that it replaces, so does not require any vehicle or storage modifications. The main benefits derived from using Biodiesel come from the reduction in tail pipe emissions and the diesel fuel consumer can now ensure that their fuel money stays in America rather than going overseas.

Marketers are using celebrity product placement, the spokes person for Biodiesel is Willie Nelson, and entire article is available at

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes almost 30 ears of corn to make a gallon of ethanol.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ethanol fuelhttp://www.ethanol-stock.infoSometimes the best solution to morale problem is to fire all the unhappy people.ethanol fuel

7:04 PM  

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