Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Best Places to Get Tires

Unquestionably, the Tire Rack.

But, some folks may be adverse to the hastle of getting tires sent to your doorstep, then you need to haul them in your backseat to your local tire mounter.

So, I usually either go to Discount Tire or NTB. But, here's the secret. Go to Tire Rack to get the price of the tire you want, add $8 per tire for the shipping price, and that's the price you want Discount Tire or NTB to match. They'll do it, but you have to ask.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great advice. I have used tire rack and was generally very happy. In my case the tires were not available at Discount Tire or NTB. Tire Rack can also recommend an installer for you from their supposed trusted network. I think the resistance from most people to getting tires shipped to their home and the hastle of getting them mounted is not that. I think most people have problems with driving on a donut. Most cars now a days have donuts and are good for nothing. If you drive on donuts and have an incident, then you are in worst shape. I think a better advise would be to get a cheap tire and rim that is correct size and use that as a spare. Or take the tire rack price and have discount tire or NTB match it.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have purchased tires at the Goodyear store in Allen, Texas for all of our cars. The customer service is excellent. They always give us a great discount and fix our flats for free. Another bonus is that they send coupons for other services on a regular basis. My last oil change was free!

10:36 AM  

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