Sunday, June 04, 2006

How Often to Change the Oil???

Someone asked how often they should change their oil in their car or truck. If you are using conventional oil (not synthetic or a synthetic blend), change the oil every 3k miles or 1 year, which ever comes first. If your sticker says to change it for the calendar period, and you have less than a year on the oil, and your mileage is not due, don't change it.

For synthetics, it's more like 10k miles between oil changes, or 1 year, which ever is sooner. Synthetic blends are more like 5k intervals. Of course, if you're racing or are working your engine harder, shorter intervals between oil changes is probably recommended.

One changes the oil every year because oil can pick up moisture over time, so it's good to replace it yearly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been guilty of not changing my oil when the I'm supposed to, which for my car is every 3k miles. I've actually had a couple of instances where there was no oil in the pan! The techs really gave me a lecture then. I should know better - I worked in the Service Department of a car dealership while I was in college.

I think people are just too busy these days. Getting your oil changed seems like such a chore sometimes, even if you go to a place that promises to change your oil in 10 minutes. It's kind of funny that people think the whole process, from the time you pull your car in to the business to the time you leave, takes only 10 minutes. It may actually take the techs only 10 minutes to change the actual oil in your car, but you're definitely going to have to wait until it's your turn if they are busy!

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My car manufacturer Toyota, that warranties my car engine for next 50,000 miles, wants oil changed after 5,000 miles interval (Maintenance schedule A). This is the recommendation for all regular blokes that live in a city (DFW is a city).

Only time Toyota wants me to replace oil after 3K is if (Maintenance Schedule B):
Dusty Roads (safari, desert)
Stop & go (like a cab)

So, why should I change oil after every 3K?

You must be selling oil or own an oil change.

I do agree with 6 month time interval, if you are on one.

11:37 PM  

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