Smart Car Comes to US in 2008

Daimler and Penske hope to mimic the success of the Mini Cooper launch done by BMW.

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pictures roger penske dieter zetsche
Jim Meyer, owner of a licensed Dallas, Texas dealership blogs about motorsports, oil prices, carbuying, related topics and finding your next used car or used truck.
The Smart Cars are already available in the US from ZAP ZP (NYSE). A California based company who is also planning on brining a Brazilian made car to the US, the Obvio! 828, that is a hybrid that can run on any combination of ethanol and gas. Zap is also the only car company who is selling a Chinese manufactured car in the US the 100% electric Xebra city car .
I don't see what's so smart about this car. There should be more information about its many smart features if it’s so unusual.
I really like smart and think it is also smarter than mini cooper!I always remember smart's sloga in my country that is smart is the most economical and functional small car. Maybe in the Unite State,it is easy to find a parking lot,but in my country,a crowded city, driving a small and functional car is a really good idea!
Personally I like Smart car. Our country, Taiwan has allowed the car to be imported to our market years ago. It’s small enough for such small countries like Taiwan and Japan. Easy to find the parking space is the main reason why our country people like the most. Now in the UK Smart has an electronic version. Isn’t that cool that you would only have plugged your car to the regular power outlet instead of pump the gas? The gas price saving would be the other major concern for the future consumers as well.
When I was in France 2 years ago, I saw this smart car for the first time! Really little, but what a great idea for saving fuel and space. Americans are going to have to change the way they waste, and one place to start is driving smaller vehicles. It is ridiculous, as much as fuel costs now to still see so many people driving huge gas guzzling vehicles, and one person per vehicle!!! Come on people - we have to take care of our environment!!!!!!!!!
On two recent trips abroad, I saw dozens upon dozens of these vehicles in New Zealand, Australia and Italy. They are great vehicles in large urban environments. I even saw a UPS Smart vehicle in Italy making deliveries. Outstanding fuel mileage from the diesel plant, great manuverability and easy parking are just a few of the benefits. The problem I see with these vehicles in the US is the deferrence by drivers of larger vehicles, especially around Dallas/Ft Worth.
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